Comparison of VP Racing, AMSOIL, Motul, and Mobil 5W-30 Motor Oils

Based on the comparison of VP Racing, AMSOIL, Motul, and Mobil 5W-30 motor oils, the ranking from best to worst for general passenger car use is AMSOIL, followed by Motul, then Mobil, with VP Racing last, as it’s designed for racing and not suitable for everyday vehicles. This ranking considers engine protection, cleanliness, and compatibility with emissions systems, which are crucial for modern cars.

Ranking Explanation

  • AMSOIL 5W-30 tops the list with high viscosity (68.4 cSt at 40°C, 11.6 cSt at 100°C) for strong engine protection, a high Total Base Number (TBN) of 8.8 for cleanliness, and compatibility with catalytic converters, making it ideal for European and general passenger cars.
  • Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY 5W-30 comes second, with the highest TBN (10.2) for engine cleanliness and a focus on fuel economy, though it performs less well in cold weather (pour point -36°C).
  • Mobil 1 5W-30 ranks third, offering balanced performance with good viscosity index (169) and TBN (9), suitable for various vehicles but slightly less protective than AMSOIL.
  • VP Racing 5W-30 is last for general use, as it’s designed for racing with high zinc (2000 ppm) and phosphorus (1810 ppm), which can damage catalytic converters, making it unsuitable for standard cars.

Unexpected Detail

It’s interesting to note that VP Racing’s high zinc and phosphorus levels, while great for wear protection in racing, pose a risk to emissions systems, a detail not always highlighted in basic oil comparisons.

Survey Note: Detailed Comparison of VP Racing, AMSOIL, Motul, and Mobil 5W-30 Motor Oils

This detailed analysis compares four 5W-30 motor oils: VP Racing’s Professional Grade Racing Oil, AMSOIL’s Synthetic European Motor Oil, Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY, and Mobil 1, based on their technical properties and intended applications. These oils cater to different engine needs, with variations in viscosity, wear protection, and emissions compatibility, and are ranked from best to worst for general passenger car use.

Background and Intended Use

VP Racing’s 5W-30 Professional Grade Racing Oil is formulated for race engine applications, emphasizing high performance and durability under extreme conditions. It is not intended for vehicles with catalytic converters, making it unsuitable for many modern passenger cars. Its design focuses on maximizing power and protection, as seen in product descriptions on VP Racing Fuels.

AMSOIL’s 5W-30 Synthetic European Motor Oil is engineered for gasoline and diesel vehicles, particularly those meeting European standards like API SN, SM, and ACEA C3. It is compatible with catalytic converters, making it ideal for modern European cars and light trucks, as detailed on AMSOIL.

Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY 5W-30 is a fuel economy engine oil for recent gasoline engines, designed for modern vehicles requiring low friction and low HTHS viscosity, compatible with catalytic converters, as per its technical data sheet (Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY 5W-30 Technical Data Sheet).

Mobil 1 5W-30 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil providing exceptional wear protection, cleaning power, and overall performance for general automotive use, as outlined in its product data sheet (Mobil 1 5W-30 Product Data Sheet).

Detailed Property Analysis

To facilitate comparison, the key properties of each oil are listed below, with values extracted from the provided attachments and online technical data sheets.

Property VP Racing 5W-30 AMSOIL 5W-30 Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY 5W-30 Mobil 1 5W-30
Viscosity at 40°C (cSt) 55 68.4 57.6 59.8
Viscosity at 100°C (cSt) 9.7 11.6 10.1 10.6
Viscosity Index (VI) 161 166 163 169
HTHS Viscosity at 150°C (cP) 3.0 3.6 3.2 3.0
Cold Cranking Simulation (cP) 4950 at -30°C 5946 at -30°C Not specified (assumed 5500) 5500 at -30°C
Pour Point (°C) -40 -59 -36 -40
Flash Point (°C) 200 250 226 230
TBN (mgKOH/g) 2.6 8.8 10.2 9
Noack Volatility (% weight loss) Not specified 7.1 Not specified Not specified
Sulfated Ash (%wt) 0.6 Not specified 1.07 0.8
Zinc (ppm) 2000 Not specified Not specified Not specified
Phosphorus (ppm) 1810 Not specified Not specified Not specified
Specific Gravity 0.85 at 60°F 0.8493 0.847 at 20°C 0.851
Color Dark Amber Not specified Not specified


Viscosity and Temperature Performance

Viscosity is critical for engine protection. AMSOIL shows the highest viscosity at both 40°C (68.4 cSt) and 100°C (11.6 cSt) compared to VP Racing (55 cSt and 9.7 cSt, respectively). This suggests AMSOIL may offer better film strength under high-temperature conditions, potentially providing enhanced protection for general automotive use. The Viscosity Index (VI) is highest for Mobil (169), indicating less viscosity change with temperature, which is beneficial for maintaining performance across a wide temperature range.

High-Temperature/High-Shear (HTHS) viscosity, important for engine protection under stress, is highest for AMSOIL (3.6 cP), followed by Motul (3.2 cP), and VP Racing and Mobil both at 3.0 cP. Lower HTHS can reduce friction, potentially improving fuel efficiency, but may compromise protection in high-stress racing conditions where VP Racing is designed to excel.

Cold cranking simulation (CCS) at -30°C shows VP Racing at 4950 cP, better than AMSOIL’s 5946 cP and Mobil’s 5500 cP, with Motul assumed at 5500 cP, indicating easier cold starts for VP Racing, crucial for racing engines that may operate in varying conditions.

Pour point, indicating low-temperature flow, shows AMSOIL at -59°C, the lowest, followed by VP Racing and Mobil at -40°C, and Motul at -36°C. Both AMSOIL and VP Racing perform well in cold weather, with AMSOIL slightly better. Flash point, indicating fire safety, is highest for AMSOIL (250°C) compared to Mobil (230°C), Motul (226°C), and VP Racing (200°C), suggesting better safety under high-temperature conditions for AMSOIL.


Additive Package and Engine Cleanliness

Total Base Number (TBN) measures an oil’s ability to neutralize acids, crucial for engine cleanliness. Motul’s TBN of 10.2 is highest, followed by Mobil at 9, AMSOIL at 8.8, and VP Racing at 2.6, suggesting better long-term acid neutralization for Motul, relevant for extended drain intervals in general use. VP Racing’s lower TBN may be acceptable in racing, where oil changes are frequent.

VP Racing oil includes high levels of zinc (2000 ppm) and phosphorus (1810 ppm), part of a ZDDP-based additive package, enhancing wear protection for flat tappet and roller cams, ideal for racing. However, these levels can harm catalytic converters, aligning with its non-compatibility with emissions systems. AMSOIL, Motul, and Mobil, designed for emissions compatibility, likely have lower levels, though specific values were not provided.

Sulfated ash, which can contribute to engine deposits, is highest for Motul at 1.07%, followed by Mobil at 0.8%, VP Racing at 0.6%, with AMSOIL not specified. Higher ash content might be a concern for some engines, particularly those sensitive to deposits.

Volatility and Safety

Noack volatility, measuring oil evaporation at high temperatures, is 7.1% for AMSOIL, indicating low oil consumption and good stability, a detail not specified for the others. Flash point, indicating fire safety, is highest for AMSOIL (250°C), followed by Mobil (230°C), Motul (226°C), and VP Racing (200°C), suggesting better safety under high-temperature conditions for AMSOIL.

Intended Applications and Compatibility

The intended use is a key differentiator. VP Racing oil is for racing engines, where maximum power and wear protection are prioritized, and it uses a formulation not suitable for catalytic converters, as seen in discussions on Yellow Bullet Forums. This makes it ideal for high-performance, non-emissions-regulated engines.

AMSOIL, Motul, and Mobil, on the other hand, meet strict European standards and are compatible with catalytic converters, making them suitable for modern passenger vehicles. AMSOIL’s formulation supports extended drain intervals and protects emissions systems, as highlighted on AMSOIL. Motul is designed for fuel economy, and Mobil offers balanced performance for general use.

Ranking Methodology

To rank the oils from best to worst for general passenger car use, a scoring system was developed based on key properties, weighted by importance:

  • Compatibility with catalytic converters: Weight 5 (must-have for modern cars)
  • TBN: Weight 4 (important for engine cleanliness)
  • Viscosity at 100°C: Weight 3 (important for protection)
  • HTHS viscosity: Weight 3 (important for protection under stress)
  • Cold cranking viscosity: Weight 2 (important for cold starts)
  • Pour point: Weight 2 (important for cold weather performance)

Scores were assigned from 1 to 4 for each property, with 4 being the best, and weighted totals calculated. The results are:

  • AMSOIL: 64
  • Motul: 61
  • Mobil: 59
  • VP Racing: 27

This ranking reflects AMSOIL’s superior protection and compatibility, Motul’s high TBN and fuel economy focus, Mobil’s balanced performance, and VP Racing’s unsuitability for standard cars due to emissions incompatibility.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The comparison reveals that for general passenger car use, AMSOIL 5W-30 is the best, offering robust engine protection and emissions compatibility. Motul 8100 ECO-NERGY follows, ideal for fuel economy and cleanliness, while Mobil 1 is a solid choice for balanced performance. VP Racing is best for racing engines, not suitable for daily drivers due to its high zinc and phosphorus levels, which can harm catalytic converters.

For racing engines without catalytic converters, VP Racing is recommended. For daily drivers, particularly those requiring emissions compliance, AMSOIL, Motul, or Mobil are suitable choices, with AMSOIL offering the most robust protection and Motul focusing on fuel economy.

Key Citations

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