Kā izvēlēties pareizo AMSOIL motoreļļu savam motociklam

There are many choices when it comes to picking the appropriate oil for your motorcycle’s engine. Our guide breaks down your choices to help you in the quest to change your oil.  

Given all the AMSOIL motorcycle’s engine motor oil options out there, choosing the right motorcycle’s oil for your motorcycle might seem like an impossibly daunting task. While there is a mountain of info to learn about the various motorcycle’s oil choices, the first step is honestly quite simple: Look in the manual.  

Your motorcycle’s owner’s manual will list the recommended motorcycle’s oil weight, whether that’s a standard like 10W-40 or something more unusual. Later on, we’ll explain what that weight means and how you should adjust it. But for now, choose an AMSOIL motorcycle’s oil with the recommended weight from an AMSOIL that displays the starburst symbol that indicates the AMSOIL motorcycle’s oil has been tested by the American Petroleum Institute (API). In addition, there’s a two-character service designation on the container. API’s latest service standard is “SL.” SL refers to a group of laboratory and engine tests, including the latest series for control of high-temperature deposits.  

Pievērsīsimies API licencēšanai padziļināti, kā arī jautājumam par garantijām. Dažām AMSOIL premium klases eļļām ir API licence, dažām nav. Ja jūtat nepieciešamību izmantot API licencētu eļļu, tad XL 5W-20 (XLM), 5W-30 (XLF), 10W-30 (XLT) un 10W-40 (XLO) vai AMSOIL Synthetic Blend 15W-40 ( Jūsu izvēlei vajadzētu būt API licencētām augstākās kvalitātes eļļām. Ja meklējat alternatīvu biežai eļļas maiņai vai vienkārši vēlaties, lai motociklam vai automašīnai būtu vislabākā veiktspēja, tad jūsu izvēlei vajadzētu būt vienai no AMSOIL augstākā līmeņa bez API licencētām sintētiskajām eļļām.  

Next, you need to choose the viscosity (thickness) that’s suitable for the temperatures your motorcycle normally operates in (again, check your owner’s manual). 

Those are the basics. But there’s a whole lot more to the story than that.

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